What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is the most popular front-end framework. It is an open source framework, which is the combination of HTML, CSS and Javascript. It was created by the team of Twitter.

Bootstrap can make the design simpler. You just have to connect Bootstrap files and write Bootstrap's predefined class names for the webpage elements and your webpage will be designed automatically by using bootstrap classes. You do not need to write your own CSS classes for designing the elements. The main purpose of bootstrap is designed in such a way that makes your website responsive and mobile friendly.

History of Bootstrap

Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter. In August 2011, it was released as an open source product on GitHub.

Why Bootstrap?

  • It is totally free to download.
  • It is very easy to use.
  • It saves a lot of time, which could be spent to write a lots of CSS code.
  • It is supported by all popular browsers.
  • It is fully responsive and mobile friendly.

Bootstrap Package Includes

  • Scaffolding: Bootstrap gives a fundamental structure Grid System, link styles, and background.
  • CSS: Bootstrap provides the features of global CSS settings, fundamental HTML elements style and an advanced grid system.
  • Components: Bootstrap contains a huge amount of reusable components built to provide iconography, dropdowns, navigation, alerts, pop-overs, and much more.
  • JavaScript Plugins: Bootstrap also contains a lot of custom jQuery plugins. It is very easy to include them all or one by one.
  • Customize: Bootstrap provides the customizable components. You can customize Bootstrap’s components, LESS variables and jQuery plugins to get your own style.