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“Online learning is rapidly becoming one of the most cost-effective ways to educate the world’s rapidly expanding workforce.” - Jack Messman

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“You can’t teach people everything they need to know. The best you can do is position them where they can find what they need to know when they need to know it.” - Seymour Papert

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About Us

CSE Toppers is a small Online Learning Platform start-up based in Bangladesh. We're dedicated to providing you the best of Online Learning, with a focus on dependability and weekly updates. We are focusing on simplicity and easy learning.

We're working to turn our passion for Online Learning into a booming online website. We hope you enjoy our Online Learning as much as we enjoy offering them to you.

Here, we are providing tutorials, IT-related solutions, and code examples of several programming languages. We are working with more content, and we will upgrade our content continuously.

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HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is a markup language that is used to create the structure of a webpage.


CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It is used to design a website which is written in any mark up language like HTML.


Bootstrap is one of the most popular CSS and JavaScript framework used for developing responsive and mobile-friendly websites.


JavaScript is a programming language for web designing. It is used to add the dynamic components for a website.


Python is a high-level interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language. It is used both for web and software development.


C programming is a universally useful, basic computer programming language. It is the most broadly utilized computer language.

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